The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

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The Structural Engineer

The Interim Report on Mining Subsidence and its Effect on Buildings, which was published in the August issue, should be amended as follows:

The Structural Engineer

The development of sites and erection of factories and other buildings for the needs of the various Service Departments during the war meant the building up of site organisations by the supervising authorities which are of interest if we consider, as some of us do, that many of the post-war schemes will yet require to be tackled along somewhat similar lines. E.H. Macmillen

The Structural Engineer

1. THE MECHANICS OF MINING SUBSIDENCE The phenomena connected with Mining Subsidence depend on the nature of the strata, the position, thickness and slope of the seams on the one hand, and on the manner and timing of the working of the seams on the other. Dr. K.W. Mautner