The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

The paper following embodies a description of works recently carried out in the construction of Meaford Power Station and has been confined to the civil engineering and structural aspects of the station, principally as regards the foundation works and certain features and methods of construction it was thought may be of interest. F.T. Bunclark

The Structural Engineer

Thursday, 8th January, 1948 An Ordinary Meeting of the Institution will be held at 11 Upper Belgrave Street, London, S.W.1, on Thursday, 8th January, 1948, at 6 p.m., when a paper entitled "Some Aspects of the Supervision of Civil Engineering and Building Contracts in Wartime" will he given by Mr. E.H. Macmillen, B.Sc., A.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.Struct.E.

The Structural Engineer

The heading of this article may at first appear strange, as every Engineering Handbook contains tables of the properties of Rolled Steel Joists. Such tables usually give the dimensions and weights of the various standard sections, and in addition contain information on their resistance to tension (area), compression (radius of gyration), to bending (section modulus), and to deflection (moment of inertia). Although a wide range of applications of R.S.J.’s is thereby covered, cases occur not infrequently where further information on some particular dimension or property is required. Dr. H. Gottfeldt

The Structural Engineer

It is not proposed to describe in detail any welded structures but rather to review some recent developments in this country and abroad and to present a critical survey with certain conclusions and reccrrmendations. No attempt will be made to cover the vast field in every aspect or to treat the subject in a text-bock-like manner. Certain tendencies deserve attention and it is hoped that their discussion by you may stimulate practical progress. Among the selected subjects are statistical records, war-time and post-war developments, welding research, incentives to modern design, codes and regulations, improved welding processes, the economy of welded structures. Some slides and possibly a film will give examples of structural work actually done. O. Bondy