The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Aluminium alloys which served many useful purposes during the war have many potential peacetime applications. This paper outlines their general metallurgical and engineering characteristics. Included is a comparison with steel for certain structures which are normally regarded as outside the usual field of aluminium alloys. H.K. Hardy and C.G. Watson

The Structural Engineer

In order to bring to the notice of parents, young men and educationists the opportunities of training for a career in the iron and steel industry, Messrs. Dorman Long & Co., Ltd., have issued a pamphlet with the above title. From this publication it will be seen that the industry affords a wider variety of choice of employment in the technical managerial;commercial and administrative departments than is generally recognised by those unacquainted with iron and steel manufacturers. Copies of the pamphlet may be obtained from The Secretary, Dorman Long & Co., Ltd., G.P.O. Box 78, Zetland Road, Middlesbrough.

The Structural Engineer

In offering their sincere congratulations to the following members on the distinction recently conferred upon them, the Council feel that they are also expressing the good wishes of the Institution...