The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

An Ordinary General Meeting of the Institution of Structural Engineers was held at 11, Upper Belgrave Street, London, S.W.1, on Thursday, 25th October, 1945, at 5.25 p.m., Mr. F.E. Wentworth-Sheilds, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., . M.I.Struct.E. (Past President) in the Chair.

The Structural Engineer

I have decided on this occasion to discuss the subject of Structural Engineering from the professional standpoint, and naturally to link with it the outlook and future of this Insitution. F.E. Drury

The Structural Engineer

In the September, October and November, 1940, issues of The Structural Engineer there appeared an abstract of an Interim Report on the phenoyna responsible for the cracking of buildings constructed on the Black Cotton and "Kyattiā€¯ soils of the Mandalay District, Burma. With the completion of the investigations and the preparation of the final report, it is now possible to give the causes of the phenomena recorded. These are reproduced, in abstract form, for the information of those interested in such Engineering Soil Problems. F.L.D. Wooltorton

The Structural Engineer

When a series of measurements is made in any research, they will not all agree, because the work must inevitably be affected by experimental errors, and it may also be affected by other influences which cannot be eliminated, or which can only be partly eliminated, by the experimental technique available. Even if one or other of these influences can be eliminated, the value of the research may be reduced by the restriction, because then no information is provided on the action of the eliminated influence, which may be of importance. J.J. Leeming