The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

WHILST the world appraises the ingenuity of the Structural Engineer, marvels at his daring and skill, is it not strange he shows so little concern about the looks of the structures he so copiously spews on every hand? D.T. Lloyd Jones

The Structural Engineer

The following is a short synopsis of the paper read by Mr. Alfred C. Bossom, F.R.I.B.A., M.P., at a meeting of the Yorkshire Branch of the Institution of Structural Engineers, held at Leeds on the 22nd Januay, 1944.

The Structural Engineer

On the other hand, the analogy between notched bars, as shown in Fig. 2 of Dr. Abeles’ contribution, and a bar firmly gripped in concrete was obvious. Fig. 30, reproduced from (28), clearly illustrated the effect of a notch on the stress-strain diagram.

The Structural Engineer

FIG 1. Mx=u - VB(L-X)+ MB ................................. (1) x not greater than a for external applied load. U = P (a - x) ................................................... (2) Recalling method (4) (see page 112) *we have... S.A. Loveland

The Structural Engineer

Herbert Kempton Dyson, M.I.Struct.E., who died on the 15th January, at the age of 63, was the first Secretary of the Concrete Institute, which post he held from 1908 until 1917. He played an important part in both the founding of the Institute and its change in 1922 into the Institution of Structural Engineers. Elected to membership in 1917, he served on the: Council of the Concrete Institute in 1921-2, as Honorary Editor of the Journal in 1923, and as Honorary Secretary in 1924-5; in addition he served on most of the Committees of the Institution.