The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

The problem raised by your correspondent, F.W. Davey, in the current issue of your journal contains a fundamental error in the analysis and his results are therefore valueless.

The Structural Engineer

Action of the plane polariscope-Behaviour of stressed material in polariscope -Isochromatic and isoclinic lines-The determination of the separate principal stresses- Optical system of a typical polariscope. A.W. Hendry

The Structural Engineer

WHILE many advantages of pre-stressed concrete beams over the ordinary reinforced concrete beam, such as reduction of deflections, lighter construction, greater safety against cracks, and possibilities for precast work, have been recognised, there is a widespread fear among engineers that these advantages may be lost due to a considerable loss of prestress in course of time. Uncertainty is also felt about the exact effects of pre-stressing on a normal reinforced concrete beam. Dr. K.L. Rao