The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

A WRITTEN communication has been received from Mr. J. A. Wilson, A.M.I.Struct.E., of which the following is an abstract: I entirely support the view that now is the time to plan post-war work. S. Bylander and H. Boddington

The Structural Engineer

THERE is a natural tendency for every designer to believe the method with which he is familiar- to be the best method of dealing with a specific problem, and to be reluctant to weigh carefully the merits of any new method of design put forward. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a busy man is so often unwilling to spare the time necessary to become familar with a new method, which in return for a few hours' study and practice may later return handsome dividends in time and tedium saved. E.G.S. Powell

The Structural Engineer

THE Chairman (Mr. J. F. Butler, M.I.Struct.E., T A.M.1nst.C.E.) said it was unnecessary to introduce Mr. Cocking, for he had been a member of the Institution from the very beginning; as far back as 1913 he was a member of the Concrete Institution, from the membership of which the Institution was formed.