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The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

The Structural Engineer, Volume 2, Issue 5, 1924

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The Structural Engineer, Volume 2, Issue 5, 1924


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Members/Subscribers: Free

Solution to Problem
Sir,-Mr. T. J. Evans' question (on p. 171) is very suggestive of one set by an examiner too indolent to realise all the trouble he is going to give the candidate.

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The Institution of Structural Engineers


Opinion Issue 5

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The Structural Engineer
<h4>Discussion on The Inspection and Testing of Structural Materials</h4>

Discussion on The Inspection and Testing of Structural Materials

A meeting of the Institution was held at Denison House, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W., on Thursday, March 20, 1924, the President, Major James Petrie, O.B.E., M.I.Struct.E., in the chair, when a paper on “The Inspection and Testing of Structural Materials” was read by Mr. H. J. Davey, M.B.E., M.I.Struct.E.

Price – £10
The Structural Engineer
<h4>Discussion on Column Fallacies (Continued)</h4>

Discussion on Column Fallacies (Continued)

THE PRESIDENT, in tendering the thanks of the members of the Institution to Dr. Salmon, said that he must have had very great courage indeed to have read a paper such as the one he had read. There was a great deal of good food for thought in it, amid a great deal that wouid make people think, which was what the Institution, and all other similar institutions, were out to do. With regard to altering the standard notation, this could not be altered, and he wanted the members to stick to it. (Laughter.) If they did not understand Dr. Salmon’s notation, then let them get a book and look it up. The greater part of the members would understand Dr. Salmon’s notation as well as they understood the standard notation. He had been very interested in the last slide, showing the work done in Germany, and it was up to us to do the same thing. He was looking forward to the time when the Government, having spent enough on the various schemes they had on hand, would advance some money for research on the lines indicated. The research could not be done privately. The manufacturers were already spending a vast amount of money in this country, and until the Government came to our aid we should never be able to do what the Germans and others were doing.

Price – £10
The Structural Engineer
<h4>Tintern Abbey. A Record of Repairs Executed Since 1913 Under the Direction of H.M. Office of Works P</h4>

Tintern Abbey. A Record of Repairs Executed Since 1913 Under the Direction of H.M. Office of Works P

THE intention to apply to the ruins of Tintern Abbey only such repairs as would not affect the beauty or the antiquarian interest of the building very seriously complicated the difficulty of its preservation by the Historic Buildings Branch of H.M. Ofice of Works. William Harvey

Author – Harvey, William
Price – £10