Continuous Beams. Notes on Graphic Calculation for any Loads, Spans and Stiffness

Author: Green, W A

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Continuous Beams. Notes on Graphic Calculation for any Loads, Spans and Stiffness

Green, W A
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The Structural Engineer

Green, W A


The Structural Engineer, Volume 2, Issue 11, 1924

Date published



Green, W A


The Structural Engineer, Volume 2, Issue 11, 1924


Standard: £10 + VAT
Members/Subscribers: Free

BY the theorem of three moments the solution of continuous beam problems involves a good deal of calculation, and the results are open to the criticism that the assumption on which the theorem is based are rarely correct in practice, so that they are no nearer actuality than those obtained more simply by a graphic method based on the same assumptions.

W.A. Green

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The Institution of Structural Engineers


Issue 11

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