The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

“ Elementary Principles of Reinforced Concrete Construction.” By E. S. Andrews, BSc. Sir,-From the above book, which recently came under my notice, I see that certain proprietar meshes receive considerable attention. As the information in this respect is based on manufacturers’ catalogue particulars I think it is necessary to draw your readers’ attention to certain important omissions.

The Structural Engineer

The Institution of Structural Engineers has sustained a heavy loss by the tragically sudden death of its Vice-president Mr. Henry Kelway Gwyer Bamber, who was killed in a motor accident on the evening of Saturday, September 20.

The Structural Engineer

The following simple problem in Graphic Statics is supplied by The Bennett College, Shefield, the Governor of which will give a prize of 10s. for the best solution. In allotting points, neatness will receive the same consideration as accuracy.

The Structural Engineer

In our former article we dealt with apparatus needed for testing the component parts of cement mortars and concrete. We now pass on to the more advanced stages.