The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

An Ordinary General Meeting of the Institution of Structural Engineers was held at 11 Upper Belgrave Street, S.W.1, on Thursday, November 28th, 1940, at 1 p.m., Mr. J. F. Butler, M.I.Struct.E., A.M.1nst.C.E. (President) in the Chair.

The Structural Engineer

IN a previous paper in the "Structural Engineer" some reference was made to the stress distribution in beams in which the bond between the concrete and the tension reinforcement had been eliminated and methods were given for calculating the stresses in both the reinforcement and concrete of such beams. The ability of the concrete to develop stress in the tension reinforcement by bond is bound up with its ability to transmit shear and, if the bond fails, the tension reforcement will behave as a tie rod. The experiments referred to in the previous paper have been extended to normal reinforced concrete beams of varying span with different types of shear reinforcement, a study of the bond being made by examining the stress distribution on vertical sections. In this paper attention is devoted to (a) the stress distribution on vertical sections after the failing load in shear or diagonal tension has been almost reached, (b) the influence of vertical stirrups, inclined stirrups and bent-up rods on the maintenance of the bond or adhesion between the tension reinforcement and the concrete. R.H. Evans

The Structural Engineer

We deeply regret to learn that Pilot Officer C. P. H. Maclaren (Student) was killed in action on the 25th April-a few days before his twenty-first birthday. The only child of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Maclaren, of Peebles, he was educated at Peebles High School, where he passed his Higher Leaving and Matriculation Examinations, with distinction in mathematics, at the age of 17. After leaving school, he served for six months as pupil with Mr. A. A. Anderson, C.E., County Surveyor for Peebleshire, and in January, 1939, joined the staff of Messrs. Axton & Kinnear, M.I.Struct.E., of Edinburgh. Although he had only started on his studies in structural engineering, he displayed a natural bent and ability for this branch of engineering, and would undoubtedly have done well in his chosen career. A new interest claimed his eager attention in May, 1939, when he joined the R.A.F. Volunteer Reserve, being mobilized in September at the, outbreak of war. He had learned his preliminary flying during the week-ends prior to the war, and had been flying continuously since May, 1940. He gained his wings in September of last year, and was appointed Pilot officer, joining a Blenheim Squadron the following January. He was, a natural pilot and the best type of young Scot. We shall miss him now, and still more in future years - yet were it not for the daring and willing sacrifice of that gallant band of which Charles Maclaren was so typical a member, what future would there be for the free races of the world?

The Structural Engineer

THE CHAIRMAN (Mr. J. F. Butler, M.I.Struct.E., A.M.Inst.C.E.), introduced Mr. Leeming, and said that the paper, which was published in The Structural Engineer for December, 1940, was adapted and extended from part of a thesis which Mr. Leeming had submitted to the University of Oxford for the degree of B.Sc. The paper would be taken as read, but he invited Mr. Leeming to introduce it and to add anything he wished to add.