The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

M R. C. W. HAMANN, A.M.I.Struct.E., in his introductory remarks, said he hoped it would not be thought of the authors, as Anthony had thought of Cesar, that they were rather ambitious. However, in view of the fact that their paper was the first contribution on reinforced brickwork to be made to the Institution, they had decided to attempt a broad survey of the subject rather than to treat of any particular technical aspect. Certainly a lengthy paper might have been written on any one of the many scientific aspects, such, for instance as that of the influence of mortar composition and brick porosity on shear strength. Although such a study might have been of particular value to the scientific investigator, he was doubtful that it would have been of general interest and value to the practising engineer. Therefore, they had approached the subject in a general way.

The Structural Engineer

A FEW tests have been made at the Building Research Station on short span reinforced brick masonry beams, such as might be used for lintels, and the results are thought to be of sufficient interest to justify publication, even though the investigation by itself is not comprehensive enough to warrant any definite pronouncement as to the reliability of this form of construction under all practical conditions. F.G. Thomas and L.G. Simms