The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

THIS paper is a record of the writer’s observations made in Barcelona and a comparison of them with his opinions regarding Britain’s position in the event of our being exposed to attacks by hostile aircraft. Cyril Helsby

The Structural Engineer

Early Brickwork Building in masonry of natural stone or brick-work is an ancient craft with a tradition descending through at least six thousand years. Its technique was perfected long before the age of building science, and its methods have been the last to undergo helpful scientific criticism. S.B. Hamilton

The Structural Engineer

THE Paris Metropolitan Railway line No. 5, " Gare du Nord-Etoile " crosses the River Seine, not far from the " Jardin des Plantes," over a structural steel bridge 140 metres in span, called the Austerlitz Bridge (Figure 1 ). M Fauconnier

The Structural Engineer

In at least three recent text-books, one on the design of arches, one on theory of elasticity, and one on theory of structures, the effect of rib-shortening is dismissed as being of little importance, whereas other authorities recommend that it should be taken into account in all designs. R.J. Cornish