The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

THE PRESIDENT (Professor J. Husband, F.R.C.Sc.I., M.Inst.C.E.) commented on the great interest of the subject of the paper, and said that probably the majority of the members had had to deal with underpinning in some form or another. He had had a good many underpinning jobs to look after, and Mr. Muirhead had put forward in the paper some exceptionally interesting examples of that class of engineering.

The Structural Engineer

PRELIMINARY REMARKS BY THE AUTHOR. In submitting this paper for your consideration I would like to explain for the benefit of those who do not know me that I am not a legal man but an engineer like yourselves, and, incidentally, a contractor, and if, as such, I am dealing with rather an unusual subject, I am doing so in the hope that a layman’s experience may be of interest. I do not propose to read the paper, which, no doubt,you have all had the opportunity of perusing, and which I trust will at least, have the effect of bringing to your notice some points of law of which previously you may not have been aware.

The Structural Engineer

I propose in this address to invite your consideration of some of the principles upon which our present day structural design is based and to remember some of the scientists of bygone days to whom we are indebted for the discovery of these principles. A.A. Fordham