The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

THE subject of this short address is somewhat out of the ordinary run of work which the structural engineer is customarily called on to undertake, but even as that is so, accordingly, I believe is its importance increased, and it is one which I think seldom constitutes the basis of a paper. I have chosen it as my subject because in my experience I have been responsible for a considerable amount, of underpinning work which has been instructive for me, and I trust my remarks may be interesting, particularly to the younger members of our Institution. W. Muirhead

The Structural Engineer

REGULATIONS and standard specifications for welded constructional steelwork and bridges have now been issued in many countries, and in view of the fact that presumably in each case they have been drawn up by a committee of leading authorities on the subject in the country of origin, the author feels that there is much to be gained in analysing and comparing them. Such a comparison may provide useful data for consideration in the drafting of new, or the revision of existing, regulations and specifications. Furthermore, although differences of opinion are bound to be portrayed in fhe requirements of various authorities, any significant variations on important subjects, of which it will be shown there are several, would appear to call for further investigation to settle the points at issue. E.P.S. Gardner