The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

The construction of aircraft, being more or less a matter of repetition, requires a factory layout to suit the order and sequence of operations necessary to complete the finished product. Practically the same problems are contained in any factory, such as food or other products, where the articles are produced on mass-productive lines. F.S. Snow

The Structural Engineer

IN presenting the paper at the meeting in London on the 28th January last the author enlarged upon his subject by including some slides of apparatus and diagrams which were not included in the text as published in the January issue of the Journal. These will be briefly mentioned for the benefit of those who were unable to attend. M.J.C. McCarthy

The Structural Engineer

The somewhat vague character of the title of this paper calls for a preliminary statement of the point of view from which it is presented. This is all the more necessary because the subject of fires in buildings may be viewed from a great many angles and the methods of fire prevention are both varied and numerous. The fire brigades, for example, are concerned mainly with the location of hydrants and the accessibility of the building to the usual methods of attack. The insurance companies are interested in the installation of sprinkler systems, the use of fire-resisting constructional materials and other factors which help to reduce the risks they are covering. The local authority takes cognisance of all the above factors, but is chiefly preoccupied with the necessity of safeguarding the lives of citizens and the integrity of surrounding property. Last, but not least, there is the point of view of the occupants of a building, of whom it may be said without hesitation that their first concern is to be provided with adequate means of escape. W.W. Davies

The Structural Engineer

THE newly elected President of the Institution of Structural Engineers for the Session 1937-1938 is, like his predecessor, a member of the Yorkshire Branch.