The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

In this paper a description is given of the Reconditioning and Widening Scheme devised by the Consulting Engineers for the work and some of the alternative proposals submitted by caertain firms of contractors. R.P. Mears

The Structural Engineer

A Joint Committee on Simply Supported Steel Bridges was formed in May, 1936, as between the Institution of Structural Engineers and the Institution of Civil Engineers. The constitution of the Committee is as follows:-

The Structural Engineer

DURING the last few years the Oxfordshire County Council has been engaged on a number of schemes of road improvements involving the building of bridges. In five of these schemes, six bridges in all, certain advantages have been obtained by the adoption of the portal frame. Space does not permit of a detailed description of these bridges, and only those featmes which illustrate the advantages obtained from the portal frame, or which are otherwise of special interest, will be described. J.J. Leeming