The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

SIR,-The following methods are put forward as the result of considerable experience in dealing with aggregates for concrete and in the hope that they may be useful to others also.

The Structural Engineer

In May, 1934, I described before this Institution an extensive series of experiments made at the Building Research Station in order to establish a form of strength test, on mortar which could be regarded as providing a satisfactory index to the strength of concrete. W.H. Glanville

The Structural Engineer

DURING the past ten years a striking increase has been seen in the number of hydraulic installations throughout France. A. Coyne

The Structural Engineer

The PRESIDENT OF THE INSTITUTION (Lieut.Colonel C.H. Fox, O.B.E., BSc., F.S.I.), extended a hearty welcome to Mr. W.T. Halcrow (Vice-President of the British Section of the Societe) and his fellow members, and added that the Institution would have liked to have welcomed also Sir George Humphreys (President of the British Section of the Societe), but unfortunately had not that opportunity owing to his absence abroad.

The Structural Engineer

Mr. E. H. BATEMAN, introducing the paper for discussion, gave a brief synopsis of the paper illustrating his remarks by blackboard sketches. He drew particular attention to the new method of analysis for multistorey frames by remainder-distribution, which he claimed had special advantages in connection with the determination of stresses due to wind forces; in this connection he mentioned the Fifth Report of the Wind Bracing Sub-committee of the American Society of Civil Engineers (Proceedings, March, 1936) in which were recorded the times required to solve a particular problem by the methods hitherto available, namely, the moment-distribution method of Professor Hardy Cross and Dr. Goldberg’s adaptation of the slope deflection system.