The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

THE art of building bridges by arc welding is in its infancy, but it is possible already to discern some well-defined trends of development. Welding has been applied to the construction of small span bridges of all types and for spans up to 300 feet. A. Ramsay Moon

The Structural Engineer

I AM very conscious of the honour paid to me by the members of the Institution of Structural Engineers in electing me to the highest office and will try to justify their confidence. I believe I can claim to be your youngest President, but hope that that will not count against me. In fact, I believe it to be an asset in these days of increasing stress and responsibility. Perhaps an older Institution may some day copy us in this respect as I believe they have already done in others. The ideas of the young are not always wrong. Lieut-Colonel C.H. Fox

The Structural Engineer

IT is stated in the Conference Programme that my paper is to give an outline of the methods of repair adopted by the Office of Works and to describe in detail some works of major importance in Yorkshire. A. Heasman