The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

ALTHOUGH the formulae of B.S.S. 449-1935, and the L.C.C. Code should now be used by the designer, the Rankine formula has, for certain purposes, stood the test of time since it was first evolved by Gordon, Schwarz, and Rankine about 1860. H.A. Warren

The Structural Engineer

Sir,-In Mr. Bridges’ Paper on “Reinforced Concrete for Colliery Surface Plart,” published in your April issue he states “There are many difficulties which make piling expensive and very often impracticable, such as: obstruction by overhead wires and pipe lines to free movement of the piling frame; the necessity for keeping open certain wagon roads for coal wagons; and vibration and consequent disturbance of existing structures.”

The Structural Engineer

The Road System* Tanganyika Territory is situated on the East Coast of Africa, just south of the Equator, and has been administered by Great Britain under mandate from the League of Nations since 1918. About 360,000 square miles in area, the Territory possesses a road system which at present comprises 3,500 miles of trunk roads, 10,OOO miles of district roads, besides other unclassified native or private roads or tracks. All constructional and maintenance work on the trunk roads is carried out by the Public Works Department of the Tanganyika Government, with headquarters at Dar-es-Salaam, where the designs for all major structures are prepared. Other roads are built and maintained by local administrative officers of the Government. A.J. Mitchell

The Structural Engineer

Mr. WILLIAM MUIRHEAD, M.Inst.C.E. (Member ofCouncil), proposing a vote of thanks to the author, said the paper had been extremely interesting, the more so as before coming to the meeting he had not been able to read the paper as closely as he would like to have done. Others in the same position would, he was convinced, after hearing the author, read through the paper again with added interest.

The Structural Engineer

It is with deep regret we have to announce the death in Calcutta of Mr. James Moyes Jardine (Member), who was the Institution’s representative in India (Bengal). Mr. Jardine was born in Edinburgh in 1882, and was educated at George Heriot’s School and the Heriot Watt College.

The Structural Engineer

THIS year it is a member of the Yorkshire Branch who has been elected President of the Institution. Lieut.-Colonel Charles Horace Fox, O.B.E., B.Sc., F.S.I., was born at Halifax on the 1st August, 1892, and was educated at Heath Grammar School, Halifax, and Denstone College,Staffordshire. He graduated at London University,taking the degree of B.Sc. (Engineering)with Honours in 1912,and in the same year he distinguished himself as First Prize Medallist in Structural Engineering at the City and Guilds of London Institute.

The Structural Engineer

IN foundation work the problems involved are, the carrying capacity of the ground, the difficulties of reaching the chosen depths presented by the geological formations, possible disturbance by future work, and protection of adjacent shuctures during construction. H.J.B. Harding