The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

MUNICIPAL Housing commenced in Leeds in 1919 and progressed steadily until 1933. 10,084 dwellings were erected and although the progress compared with some cities was, perhaps, a little slow, a good building standard was maintained. 1934 brought about a sudden change and a programme was approved for the demolition of 30,000 of the oldest type of back-to-back houses and the rehousing of the families displaced, representing approximately 120,000 people. R.A.H. Livett

The Structural Engineer

That it is desirable in modern buildings to secure the maximum insulation against the vagaries of the weather, the transmission of vibration and noise and the loss of heat, has long since been accepted, but few realise the economic necessity of providing such insulation. The use of the minimum of material in wall panels in framed buildings necessitates the application of the latest principles of insulated construction, and the following general notes, together with data on typical details, should be of assistance to the designer. C.W. Glover

The Structural Engineer

SCAFFOLDlNG has always been one of the subsidiary matters in connection with architecture. P.M. Andrews