The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Let C = the number of parts by weight of Dry Portland Cement. S = the number of parts by weight of dry sand. C = the percentage of water by weight required by the Portland cement. S = the percentage of water by weight required to damp the sand. W = the percentage of water by weight required by the combined weights of Portland cement and sand.

Publish Date – 1 September 1923

The Structural Engineer

PART VI. Continued. As early as 1902 the present writer had realised that there was a scope for an Institution of Structural Engineers, which, under the aegis of the Institution of Civil Engineers, would do for specialised structural work, what the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and the Institution of Electrical Engineers had done in their respective spheres. E. Fiander Etchells

Publish Date – 1 September 1923

The Structural Engineer

The British Standard Specification for Portland cement was first issued in 1904 by the Engineering Standards Committee (now the British Engineering Standards Association, incorporated in 1918), a body, as its name implies, entrusted with the framing of engineering standards of all kinds, and supported by all the chief Engineering Institutions of this country. This specification was drawn up by a representative committee, 25 in number, consisting of engineers, contractors and cement manufacturers, etc., under the chairmanship of the late Sir William Mathews, the well-known dock and harbour engineer. D.B. Butler

Publish Date – 1 September 1923