The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

Gentlemen,-If any excuse is needed for the appearance, at such an early stage of the life of the Institution, of a paper on Education, I would point out that the special aim of the following thoughts is to focus attention on structural engineering as a profession. Probably the first question that a man who is thinking of putting his son into one of the professions asks himself is, " Which will reward him best for his labour?" It is true that the probable remuneration does not always determine the choice, and in all cases the lad's natural instinct and bent for certain work should be taken into account, but it is only natural that the man should wish to know what chances of success will follow the period of severe training which all must pass through who enter upon professional careers in our time. Harry Hayes Clapham

Publish Date – 1 November 1923

The Structural Engineer

The Council of the Institution have appointed Mr. H. Bryant Newbold, F.J.I., M.S.A., as Editor of the Journal of the Institution, and as and from the January issue in 1924, its title will be changed to "THE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER."

Publish Date – 1 November 1923