The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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The Structural Engineer

THE FOURTH ANNUAL DINNER of the CONCRETE INSTITUTE was held at the Connaught Rooms, London,on the evening of Thursday, May 28, 1914, Professor Henry Adams (President) in the Chair. There were 102 present, and a musical entertainment was given.

Publish Date – 1 October 1918

The Structural Engineer

GENTLEMEN,- In opening the present session with a few personal remarks it is my first duty to express my appreciation of the great honour which has been conferred upon me by your Council, who by their unanimous vote have elected me to the presidential chair for the next two years. This is in accordance with the custom which has obtained in this Institute since its foundation, but in these democratic days I am doubtful whether such a course commends itself to the membership, or is consonant with the trend of public opinion. I would rather see the nomination of President and Vice-presidents submitted to the vote of the general of Works of the general body of the members. This matter is under the consideration of the Council, and I hope that the various alterations in the Articles Qf Association which are proposed will include some means by which the members all over the world can take part in the elections, not only of the chief officers but also of the Council generally.

Publish Date – 1 October 1918

The Structural Engineer

The Concrete Institute had on May 14, 1914, 930 Members, 28 Associate-Members, 6 Associates, 54 Students, 5 Special Subscribers, and 16 Honorary Members.

Publish Date – 1 October 1918

The Structural Engineer

SEEING that tangential stresses are developed in connection with every structural form, including those members that are subjected to direct tension and compression, it is quite impossible to treat of every aspect of my subject within the limits of a paper. The selection of certain aspects for consideration which is made herein may not include aspects which are of interest to others, but the discussion to follow affords opportunity for important deficiencies to be pointed out so that they may be repaired by further contributions. H. Kempton Dyson

Publish Date – 1 October 1918

The Structural Engineer

THE arch is a form of structure which possesses great advantages from the standpoints of beauty and economy, and from the earliest times the arch has been used in all kinds of constructional work. In the present paper we shall not consider arches at all from the point of view of architectural styles or orders, but will restrict our consideration to the calculation of the stresses in them. Ewart S. Andrews

Publish Date – 1 October 1918

The Structural Engineer

THE term "Sanitation" is capable of a wide interpretation, but for the present purpose it is proposed to limit its definition to Works of Water Supply, Main Sewerage, and Sewage Disposal. Henry J Tingle

Publish Date – 1 October 1918