The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

AN EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING of the CONCRETE INSTITUTE was held in the Lecture Hall at Denison House, 296, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W., on Thursday, November 13, 1913, at 7.30 p.m.

Publish Date – 1 September 1914

The Structural Engineer

Report of the Reinforced Concrete Standing Committee etc.

Publish Date – 1 September 1914

The Structural Engineer

THE author has recently had occasion to report upon the stability of several designs for brick chimneys, which have been submitted to him for that purpose, and the following paper embodies the result of certain investigations which he carried out in connection therewith, and which it appeared might be of some general interest in their bearing on the usual form of building regulations governing this subject. The paper is divided into four sections: the first deals with the methods of determining the moment of stability of brick chimney shafts; the second deals with the question of wind pressure; in the third are given some examples of extsting chimneys; and the last contains a criticism of the regulations under which chimneys generally have to be built in this country, with suggested amendments. Harold Cane

Publish Date – 1 September 1914

The Structural Engineer

YOU may remember that when I addressed you a year ago, after some preliminary observations on the work of the Institute, I confined my remarks almost wholly to the practical aspect of reinforced concrete construction, calling your attention to various matters which it was necessary to watch if the work were to be executed in a satisfactory manner and brought to a satisfactory conclusion. I think that has borne some fruit, and I propose in this, my second address, to proceed on somewhat similar lines, commencing with a review of the Concrete Institute's work during the past year and following with some expressions of opinion on practical matters connected with concrete construction which I think are deserving of some emphasis and repetition, more especially in view of what has come to my notice particularly since I first addressed you. E. P. Wells

Publish Date – 1 September 1914

The Structural Engineer

The Concrete Institute had on May 8th, 1913, 947 Members, 37 Students, 6 Special Subscribers, and 16 Honorary Members.

Publish Date – 1 September 1914

The Structural Engineer

PRINCIPLES OF THE MATHEMATICAL NOTATION ON THE INDEX PRINCIPLE. The following notes coniain principles by means of which symbols may be selected. The principles are sufficiently broad, extensive, and diverse as to give a certain freedom of choice, whilst still retaining the maximum of consistency and the fullest development of the mnemonic principle.

Publish Date – 1 September 1914

The Structural Engineer

The Interim Report of the Science Standing Committee concerning Standard Notation

Publish Date – 1 September 1914

The Structural Engineer

Third Annual Dinner

Publish Date – 1 September 1914