The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

THE question of economy in reinforced concrete design may be discussed with regard to: 1. The engineering structure, 2. The architectural structure, and the two sets of conclusions may or may not coincide. John A Davenport

Publish Date – 1 October 1913

The Structural Engineer

In reading a paper on "Reinforced Concrete Beams; and Posts," I realize fully that I should apologize to the members of the Institute and also to mining engineers, since I am neither a specialist in reinforced concrete nor a mining engineer. Stephen H. Dixon

Publish Date – 1 October 1913

The Structural Engineer

THE following inquiry letter was issued to all members of the Concrete Institute at the end of June, 1909 :-

Publish Date – 1 October 1913

The Structural Engineer

It is a great honour to me to be asked to read a paper before the Concrete Institute, particularly as this is, I believe, the first paper on the subject of steelwork construction which has been presented to it. S Bylander

Publish Date – 1 October 1913

The Structural Engineer

Having been asked by your Secretary to contribute a paper on the above subject, I have much pleasure in placing before you the following notes. The limit of time at my disposal, however, makes it impossihle to give more than a brief outline; but fuller details may be found in my papers before the Royal Geographical Society, Research Department (see Geographical Journals, January, 1911, and March, 1912; before the British Association in Dundee last September (see Engineering, December 20th last); and a paper before the Society of Engineers of March 1, 1909. The last deals especially with the application of the principles of settlement to a works test for efficient mixing of concrete. To these I would refer any who wish to go farther into the matter than it is possible to do here to-night. Dr J S Owens

Publish Date – 1 October 1913

The Structural Engineer

THE main object in writing this paper is to show the wide range of strengths as indicated by these tests. H C Johnson

Publish Date – 1 October 1913