The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
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Contents page

The Structural Engineer

When an engineer undertakes a special study of any kind, he usually finds that certain considerations vitally affecting the problem before him have not received quite as much attention as their importance demands, and he sometimes finds, too, a new path of study, or investigation, or some neway of applying well established principles. In both cases he may gain much by putting his views before his fellows, and their opinions and criticisms will help to put these matters in the true perspective, to confirm or correct his opinion as regards what he thinks has been neglected or not fully grasped, and to point out where his new path has already been well trodden or where it leads to an impassable chasm. Reginald Ryves

Publish Date – 1 July 1912

The Structural Engineer

It is frequently specified that test loads should be applied to finished structures of reinforced concrete shortly after completion. It should be recognised, however, that such tests should in no wise reduce the care to be exercised in the supervision of the work by those responsible. Since the test loads are generally applied only to specific parts of the work, such tests do not necessarily prove that the work has been properly executed either in whole or in part.

Publish Date – 1 July 1912

The Structural Engineer

We shall now have the great pleasure of listening to Professor Beresford Pite again this evening, and as a preliminary he will read his paper again. He thought it would he an advantage to all those present and now rather a long time ago. Beresford Pite

Publish Date – 1 July 1912

The Structural Engineer

THE SECOND ANNUAL DINNER of the CONCRETE INSTITUTE was held on Thursday evening, May 9, 1912, in the Empire Hall, at the Trocadero Restaurant, Piccadilly Circus, London, W.

Publish Date – 1 July 1912

The Structural Engineer

Although most of the countries in Europe have official regulations for reinforced concrete works, there is no regulation of this kind in Great Britain yet, and architects and engineers have so far been governed by the First and Second Reports of the Royal Institute of British Architects’ Joint Committee, or by the usual practice of the various firms of specialist designers. Maurice Behar

Publish Date – 1 July 1912

The Structural Engineer

THE THIRD ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the CONCRETE INSTITUTE was held at Denison House, 296, Vauxhall Bridge Road, London, S.W., on Thursday, May 9, 1912, at 4.30 p.m.

Publish Date – 1 July 1912