The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers
Date published

Contents page

The Structural Engineer

A circular letter of inquiry on the subject of the Consistency of Concrete was addressed to the members of the Concrete Institute, in which it was suggested that a specification as drafted would be of service, pending experiments and tests that ought to be made to determine the exact proportion of water to be used in concrete in order to obtain the best mixture. Thispecification, as now slightly modified by the Committee, is as follows :-

Publish Date – 1 March 1912

The Structural Engineer

Membership etc.

Publish Date – 1 March 1912

The Structural Engineer

This Institute has now been in existence some three and a half years, and as this is the first Presidential Address that has been presented, it seems to be a fitting opportunity for taking stock of the work it has done during that period, and in so doing I may touch upon matters to which I have referred on other occasions. Sir Henry Tanner

Publish Date – 1 March 1912

The Structural Engineer

So much has already been said concerning the subject of reinforced concrete that I think it is possible to assume that the general principles and advantages of this comparatively new material are now well known. The object of this paper is to describe a few of the numerous works recently executed in reinforced concrete, and to bring out some of the more interesting features of each particular case and to show how various difficulties have been overcome. G C Workman

Publish Date – 1 March 1912