The Institution of Structural Engineers The Institution of Structural Engineers


Date published

Our Council debates topics relating to the profession and provides high level guidance to the Trustee Board to inform our strategy.

The Council is formed of:

  • The President

  • Representatives of Headline Committees

  • Past Presidents

  • Regional Group Chairs

  • Ordinary members (elected for a period of three years)

  • a number of Graduate Members

  • co-opted members


The Council exists to:

  • determine the core values of the Institution

  • promote structural engineering and the Institution

  • provide high-level guidance to the Trustee Board to inform medium- and long-term strategies

  • act as a forum for the interaction of regional groups and members generally

  • elect for the following year a President and the President-Elect

  • ratify recommendations made by the Nominations Committee for the election of Vice Presidents, Trustee Board Members, Ordinary Members of Council, and co-options to Council



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